I come to pick brains!

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I come to pick brains!

Post by Juz571 »

Hello, and thanks for having me.

The 48k xx spectrum with “keys you can squeeze” was my first experience with the computer in this journey we call life! While I always dreamed of learning to programme and become a fantastic hacker, like in the movies, I’m afraid I got no further than playing games and making the odd series of beeps, or a flashing colours.
Roll forward into my 40’s and I’m rekindling my love with old computers and games consoles, partly through nostalgia, partly through, I would imagine, a midlife crisis, and partly through the fact that I realised the gaming industry has turned into a micro transaction hell hole, where you now pay to play and get better experiences from the games, and quite often buy unfinished products that you have to pay more to get finished. Meanwhile there are literally thousands of untapped gems from the past. Far too many for me to enjoy in my lifetime.
Anyway, I digress. Back to the ZX Spectrum!
I have a lovely grey Plus 2 which is working great, and a 48k issue 2, while not being my own childhood one, is the first computer my parents scraped together to get me as a child. And it’s a fixer-upper, which brings me here!

Thanks again for having me and I hope I didn’t send you to sleep!
Lardo Boffin
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Re: I come to pick brains!

Post by Lardo Boffin »

Welcome and good luck with the fixer-upper!

I know what you mean about micro transactions! And with many games now being tied to active servers you lose access (and your money) when they switch off the servers. I’m taking about you Ubisoft! Doubtless the first of many.
With the rapidly approaching digital only sales model I don’t know how kids of today will be able to play the games of their youth in 40 years.
ZX81 iss 1 (bugged ROM, kludge fix, normal, rebuilt)
TS 1000 iss 3, ZXPand AY and +, ZX8-CCB, ZX-KDLX & ChromaSCART
Tatung 81 + Wespi
TS 1500 & 2000
Spectrum 16k (iss 1 s/n 862)
Spectrum 48ks plus a DIVMMC future and SPECTRA
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Re: I come to pick brains!

Post by mrtinb »

Since everything is recorded to Twitch today, they will be able to at least see it on video.
ZX81, Lambda 8300, Commodore 64, Mac G4 Cube
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Re: I come to pick brains!

Post by mrtinb »

And maybe some AI in the future can reproduce the game from all the video recordings. :)
ZX81, Lambda 8300, Commodore 64, Mac G4 Cube
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Re: I come to pick brains!

Post by 1024MAK »

Hello and welcome to our forum Juz571!

:D :D :D

I hope you enjoy this forum :D

You are welcome to ask questions!

ZX81 Variations
ZX81 Chip Pin-outs
ZX81 Video Transistor Amp

:!: Standby alert :!:
There are four lights!
Step up to red alert. Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb :!:
Looking forward to summer being good this year.
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