The poem for retrocomputing enthusiasts

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The poem for retrocomputing enthusiasts

Post by marste »

In the land of the binary, long ago,
Where circuits glowed and screens were slow,
A new age of computing had begun,
Machines on desks, small but fun.

The geeks of the world did gather 'round,
To hear the clicking beeps of these machines' sound.
The games were simple, but still we played,
On screens with graphics that made us amazed.

With tapes that whirred and disks that spun,
They wrote code until the dawn.
The Apple, Commodore, and Sinclair,
All had their fans, and share of flair.

Though these computers are now obsolete,
We still love them, and their memories we keep.
For they were pioneers of a new age,
And set the scene for our digital stage.

Today, retrocomputing still lives on,
With new enthusiasts joining in the fun.
We collect and restore these vintage machines,
And find new ways to push their aging screens.

These old machines inspire and delight,
A spark of creativity they ignite.
With limitations that inspire more,
Tinkering, programming, and exploring galore.

There's something inherently satisfying,
About making decades-old machines surprising,
Doing something new and unexpected,
Leaving programmers feeling proud and respected.

We upgrade and mod them, and make them new,
With fresh new hardware that makes them true.
We keep alive the spirit of those early days,
And find new joys in these old-school ways.

In these machines of limited power,
Lay the seeds of language models, their flower.
From Eliza to Zork and beyond,
They led us to this Chat's bond.

So let us remember the days of old,
When computing was young, and we were bold.
And let us celebrate the present too,
Where retrocomputing still feels fresh and new.
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Re: The poem for retrocomputing enthusiasts

Post by mrtinb »

Thank you.
ZX81, Lambda 8300, Commodore 64, Mac G4 Cube
Lardo Boffin
Posts: 2191
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Re: The poem for retrocomputing enthusiasts

Post by Lardo Boffin »

ZX81 iss 1 (bugged ROM, kludge fix, normal, rebuilt)
TS 1000 iss 3, ZXPand AY and +, ZX8-CCB, ZX-KDLX & ChromaSCART
Tatung 81 + Wespi
TS 1500 & 2000
Spectrum 16k (iss 1 s/n 862)
Spectrum 48ks plus a DIVMMC future and SPECTRA
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