New ZX81 Games

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Re: New ZX81 Games

Post by Moggy »

dr beep wrote: Mon Feb 04, 2019 1:39 pm Definitely the ZXPAND-routine. Tested it on EO with ZXPAND.
Works without, so I need to rewrite that part.
Thanks for quick fix. :D

All is good now Johan and the game is very enjoyable even for some one who plays as bad as me!
dr beep
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Re: New ZX81 Games

Post by dr beep »

Moggy wrote: Mon Feb 04, 2019 8:16 pm
dr beep wrote: Mon Feb 04, 2019 1:39 pm Definitely the ZXPAND-routine. Tested it on EO with ZXPAND.
Works without, so I need to rewrite that part.
Thanks for quick fix. :D

All is good now Johan and the game is very enjoyable even for some one who plays as bad as me!
I needed a different way to combine reading ZXPAND and keyboard together.
This method is short and working. I might use it as default when I can code both ways of movement.
dr beep
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New ZX81 Games : GAME 56 in 1K hires

Post by dr beep »

Name of Software: Solitaire
Author: Johan "Dr Beep" Koelman
Release Date: 01/03/2019
Requirements (eg. 1K, 16K, AY Card, Hi-Res Scheme): 1K hires

The classic game of Solitaire now in 1K hires
Download link (if available for download):
(740 Bytes) Downloaded 700 times
Commercial / Public Domain / Freeware / Other - please specify? Freeware

R = Start new game
Q = Up
A = Down
O = Left
P = Right
Z = select pin

Game_56 Solitaire.pdf
(89.89 KiB) Downloaded 782 times
dr beep
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Re: New ZX81 Games : GAME 57 in 1K hires

Post by dr beep »

Name of Software: Startrip
Author: Johan "Dr Beep" Koelman
Release Date: 18/03/2019
Requirements (eg. 1K, 16K, AY Card, Hi-Res Scheme): 1K hires

Navigate your spaceship through space avoiding targets
Startrip.png (10.34 KiB) Viewed 21052 times
Download link (if available for download):
(949 Bytes) Downloaded 683 times
Commercial / Public Domain / Freeware / Other - please specify? Freeware

You are on the bridge of a starship.
During your trip through space ALERTS are coming in.
You are on a collisioncourse with multiple targets.
What could come in.
An asteroid, a gascloud or a planet.

You need to destroy the asteroid or your energy wil drain further.
In a gascloud you can add energy to your tanks.
You can sent a message to the planet. This score you a point.

You lose energy during your travel through space, so you need to find gasclouds.
You score 10 points when you destroy an asteroid.

You move the ship towards the target. So the target will move in opposite direction to you.
Place the target in the middle before you hit the target.

The game ends when you are out of energy.

Q = Up
A = Down
O = Left
P = Right
New Line = new game

Extra: ZXPAND-Joystick support

Game_57 Startrip.pdf
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dr beep
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New ZX81 Games : GAME 58 in 1K hires

Post by dr beep »

Name of Software: Wiwo Dido's mapped maze
Author: Johan "Dr Beep" Koelman
Release Date: 02/04/2019
Requirements (eg. 1K, 16K, AY Card, Hi-Res Scheme): 1K hires

Find your way out of the maze.
WDMap.png (10.55 KiB) Viewed 20785 times
Download link (if available for download):
(610 Bytes) Downloaded 706 times
Commercial / Public Domain / Freeware / Other - please specify? Freeware

Wiwo Dido's mapped maze.

Our clumsy, but sympathic explorer keeps falling through roofs.
However, he learnt a lot the last 8 years.
When falling through the roof Wiwo Dido start drawing the map of the location he is.
You only need to find the exit on the right. And when you do.... you will fall through
the next roof of the next hidden castle, because you still are clumsy.

A = Up
Z = Down
O = Left
P = Right
New Line = new game

Game_58 Wiwo Dido mapped maze.pdf
(73.93 KiB) Downloaded 2267 times
dr beep
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New ZX81 Games : GAME 59 in 1K hires

Post by dr beep »

Name of Software: Chernobyl Bomber
Author: Johan "Dr Beep" Koelman
Release Date: 18/04/2019
Requirements (eg. 1K, 16K, AY Card, Hi-Res Scheme): 1K hires

Land your plane safely in Chernobyl
cbomber.png (11.1 KiB) Viewed 20491 times
Download link (if available for download):
(720 Bytes) Downloaded 777 times
Commercial / Public Domain / Freeware / Other - please specify? Freeware

Chernobyl Bomber

After the fallout in Chernobyl you do a checkflight above the abandonned city.
Due to the radiation your motor stops. You must land. Your only option is to
bomb Chernobyl and make a pathway to land. Can you land safely?

Newline : Start new game
Any key : Drop a bomb

Game_59 Chernobyl Bomber.pdf
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dr beep
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New ZX81 Games : Lingo

Post by dr beep »

Name of Software: Lingo
Author: Johan "Dr Beep" Koelman
Release Date: 13/05/2019
Requirements (eg. 1K, 16K, AY Card, Hi-Res Scheme): 1K lowres

Guess all 242 words stacked in this wordgame
lingo.png (3.98 KiB) Viewed 20077 times
Download link (if available for download):
(949 Bytes) Downloaded 609 times
Commercial / Public Domain / Freeware / Other - please specify? Freeware

(11.51 KiB) Downloaded 639 times


Lingo is a 1K lowres game where you need to guess the word the computer has selected.

The computer has 242 words stored in 1K memory. The words appear in a fixed order.
The game starts with input of a number.
You can continue a previous game by typing the number of guessed words sofar.
You type 1 less than the last level shown.
For a first time start you enter 000.

After entering the number the computer stops at the first new word.
To start a next word you press SPACE.
You can now type in a 5 letterword. You can overwrite the word until you press Newline.

After Newline the computer will analyze your input against the word in memory.
When a letter matches the position it will be inverted.
When a letter is in the word on the wrong position it will be shown where you typed it.
When a letter is not in the word it is deleted from the input and shown as "-".

After each turn the cursor is already set for the next input.
If you guessed the word the next wordnumber is shown but the screen is not yet cleared.
With SPACE you start the next word.

When a word is not guessed in 5 tries you press space to restart the same word.

By coincidence, the ROM defines the order, the first and the last word are quite nice too.

Have fun,
Dr Beep
dr beep
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New ZX81 Games : GAME 61 in 1K hires

Post by dr beep »

Name of Software: W-rotator
Author: Johan "Dr Beep" Koelman
Release Date: 10/06/2019
Requirements (eg. 1K, 16K, AY Card, Hi-Res Scheme): 1K hires

Solve the puzzle by rotating the wheels
Wrotator.png (10.64 KiB) Viewed 19670 times
Download link (if available for download):
(822 Bytes) Downloaded 628 times
Commercial / Public Domain / Freeware / Other - please specify? Freeware


W-Rotator (pronounced WROTATOR) is a 2D puzzle where you need to rotate 4 wheels
until the text is back in the startposition.

After loading the game you see the solved position; 12x W on the screen.
The wheels are turned after pressing NewLine. In a short time a cursor is shown.

Each wheel can be turned clockwise and anticlockwise.
Rotate the wheels until the puzzle is solved.


Newline = Shuffle new board
Q = Up
A = Down
O = Left
P = Right
R = Restart
M = Rotate clockwise
Z = Rotate anticlockwise

Game_61 W-rotator.pdf
(78.32 KiB) Downloaded 675 times
dr beep
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New ZX81 Games : GAME 62 in 1K hires

Post by dr beep »

Name of Software: 1 KARAT
Author: Johan "Dr Beep" Koelman
Release Date: 25/07/2019
Requirements (eg. 1K, 16K, AY Card, Hi-Res Scheme): 1K hires

Bejeweled in 1K with hires
1Karat.png (8.53 KiB) Viewed 19124 times
Download link (if available for download):
(820 Bytes) Downloaded 659 times
Commercial / Public Domain / Free ware / Other - please specify? Freeware


Fill 3 or more jewels in a row. With more than 3 in a row you will get an extra karat (max 3).
You can use a karat when you move 2 jewels that will not make 3 in a row.
It is game over when you spill your last karat.

Q = up
A = Down
O = Left
P = Right
Z = Select

Newline = new game

Game_62 1Karat.pdf
(69.48 KiB) Downloaded 671 times
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Re: New ZX81 Games

Post by Bukster »

I've downloaded it and the source code. I'll check them out over the weekend.
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