Programs on tape

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Kampvogn. English: Tank

Post by mrtinb »

English translation for Kampvogn

Code: Select all

Shoot enemies

Press U to start

Code: Select all

Score = 0
Shot = 0
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Re: Programs on tape

Post by XavSnap »

@Martin, (not checked)
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Check your tape<>computer connector, the ground and L/R wire seem to be short-circuited!
Try to inverse its polarity too...
Last edited by XavSnap on Sat Dec 15, 2018 1:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
Xavier ...on the Facebook groupe : "Zx81 France"(fr)
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Re: Programs on tape

Post by XavSnap »

@Martin, (not tested too...)
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... But seem to be a 'ZX81' like basic !
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Re: Programs on tape

Post by XavSnap »

Tips of the day:
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Re: Programs on tape

Post by XavSnap »

@Martin, (seem ok!)
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Re: Programs on tape

Post by mrtinb »

Lambda 8300 / PC8300 file format (from ZXDocs):
Cassette files are SAVEd with circa 16000 leading sync pulses (though, this is a fake, the LOAD function simply ignores them). Followed by a ZX81-style file: Some silence, followed by the Filename terminated with bit7=1, followed by memory at [4009h..[4014h]-1]. The memory content isn't ZX81 compatibile though (different system area, different D_FILE location, different BASIC tokens). The VERSN byte at 4009h is FFh (unlike 00h on ZX81).
Bits and bytes are encoded same as on ZX81 (0=four pulses, 1=nine pulses, with same pulse/silence timings).

The Lambda BIOS can load ZX81 files, but with several restrictions: The files are converted to Lambda format (and cannot be converted back to ZX81 format). Information in the system area (such like Autostart), and VARS and D_FILE regions are discarded (only the raw BASIC code is accepted).

BUG: After loading a ZX81 file, the BIOS accidently jumps to 2000h, normally this is a mirror of 0000h which produces a warmboot - however, it'll crash if a Color RAM expansion is installed (workaround: POKE a RST0 opcode to 2000h), or accidently start any expansion ROM at 2000h.

SAVE area... (same as ZX81)
4009 1 versn (versn, and other temporary flags) (00h=ZX81, FFh=Lambda)
400A 2 nxtlin (unlike ZX81: e_ppc)
400C 2 program (unlike ZX81: d_file)
400E 2 df_cc (same as ZX81)
4010 2 vars (same as ZX81)
4012 2 dest (same as ZX81)
4014 2 e_line (same as ZX81) (input/workspace buffer, end of SAVE area)
4016 2 ch_add (same as ZX81)
4018 2 x_ptr (same as ZX81) (error/abort address)
401A 2 stkbot (same as ZX81)
401C 2 stkend (same as ZX81) (increases on PUSHes)
401E 1 flags (unlike ZX81: berg) (same as 4001h on ZX81)
401F 2 mem (same as ZX81)
4021 1 munit (unlike ZX81: unused) (tempo for music)
4022 1 df_sz (same as ZX81)
4023 2 s_top (same as ZX81)
4025 2 last_k (same as ZX81)
4027 1 bounce (same as ZX81)
4028 1 margin (same as ZX81) (but, derived from other I/O mechanism)
4029 2 e_ppc (unlike ZX81: nxtlin)
402B 2 oldppc (same as ZX81)
402D 1 flagx (same as ZX81)
402E 2 strlen (same as ZX81)
4030 2 t_addr (same as ZX81)
4032 2 seed (same as ZX81)
4034 2 frames (same as ZX81)
4036 2 ppc (unlike ZX81: coords) (same as 4007h on ZX81)
4038 1 pr_cc (same as ZX81)
4039 2 s_posn (same as ZX81)
403B 1 cdflag (additional bit4=graphics_cursor, bit5=beep_disable)
403C 33 prbuff (same as ZX81)
405D 30 membot (same as ZX81)
407B 2 blink (unlike ZX81: blink address instead unused)
N/A 1 mode (no [K],[L],[F] cursors, only [G] = flag in cdflag.bit4)
N/A 1 berg (none such, memorized somehow elsewhere)
N/A 2 coords (none such,isn't really used on ZX81 either)
4009 VERSN Should be 00h to identify ZX81 cassette files
BUG: [400Ch] is NOT properly set after loading ZX81 files, so better use 4396h than [400Ch].

PC8300 RAM
Some entries in system area are modified. D_FILE is hardcoded at 407Dh, D_FILE is always expanded (full 1+33*24 bytes). BASIC program is located after D_FILE (ie. always at 4396h since D_FILE has fixed size). The BASIC program is terminated by an FFh byte (ZX81 has no such end byte). The remaining memory (VARS and up) is same as on ZX81.
The RAMTOP detection supports up to 32K RAM (unlike ZX81 which detects max 16K). The Lambda includes 2K RAM built-in (unlike 1K in ZX81). Note: despite of its name, the Marathon 32K also has only 2K RAM built-in (not 32K).
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Re: Programs on tape

Post by mrtinb »

There is no support for ZX Printer in EightyOne when emulating Lambda 8300. (Gives pure black printout when printning.)

JSZeddy emulator which print to ASCII does neither support printning in Lambda 8300 mode.

VB81, which supports saving files as ASCII, does not support emulating Lambda 8300.

So I connected my Alphacom 32 to my Lambda 8300 and printed the Basic listing, and finally scanned it to supply it in these posts.
ZX81, Lambda 8300, Commodore 64, Mac G4 Cube
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Re: Programs on tape

Post by Power 3000 »

Have now uploadet another version of Biorytmer i have named it Biorytmer 2, i found it on another tape, have also uploadet Tips program.

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Post by mrtinb »

English translation for Backgammon.

P-file: Backgammon-MAH.p

I thought it was working because it worked in 2 emulators. But it will not load on real hardware.

Code: Select all



In this game you can change 
number order by pressing [1]
By pressing [0] you can jump over a move
If you give up or win you can press [Enter]

Press a key to [Start]

Code: Select all

L K J I H G     F E D C B A
                O O O O O O
                O O O O O O

                O O O O O O
                O O O O O O
M N O P Q R     S T U V W X
*                       * *
 *    WHITE MOVES 3     * *
  *                     * *
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Re: Programs on tape

Post by XavSnap »

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Last edited by XavSnap on Mon Dec 17, 2018 8:32 am, edited 2 times in total.
Xavier ...on the Facebook groupe : "Zx81 France"(fr)
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