WANTED: Memotech Memopak RS232 Interface

ZX80 / ZX81 hardware and software requested for either sale or swapping
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WANTED: Memotech Memopak RS232 Interface

Post by SeattleZx81 »

I have been looking everywhere for this with no luck. My Memotech Memopak RS232 Interface was stolen along with my entire ZX81 collection. Probably ended up in a dumpster somewhere :( Trying to rebuild a new system.

I am very frustrated PLEASE HELP!
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Memotech RS232

Post by SeattleZx81 »

You wouldn’t happen to know the whereabouts of a Memotech RS232 memopak, sorry for the spam but I’m desperate.
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Re: WANTED: Memotech Memopak RS232 Interface

Post by mrtinb »

It seems they are quite rare. I've never seen one on eBay the last 10 years I've collected Sinclair. I don't know if anyone on this forum has one. If they have, they would cherish it, and not part with it.
ZX81, Lambda 8300, Commodore 64, Mac G4 Cube
Lardo Boffin
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Re: WANTED: Memotech Memopak RS232 Interface

Post by Lardo Boffin »

I missed out on an auction for one several years ago, alongside the HRG module and a few other bits. It all went for silly money.

I have not seen one since. Sorry!
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Re: WANTED: Memotech Memopak RS232 Interface

Post by SeattleZx81 »

I understand the Memotech Serial RS232 IF Memopak is rare and valuable. Furthermore I accept that if someone had one they would probably not want to part with it. That being said I would pay top dollar for one $500, $600 $700 would not be too much. This is the missing piece and linchpin of my system. I am hoping someday I will find one.
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