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Werewolf chase for zx80

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2023 4:27 am
by Crayon21
I redid the entire game. After you reach the end, you realize that the world is about to end. Yes gentlemen, zombies. Due to the sheer amount of text and some graphics, you need 32k. Enjoy. It's not so much a game, more of an attempted adventure. Too bad, the zx81 can't do color.

Re: Werewolf chase for zx80

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2023 9:07 pm
by stefano
I like those radical simplifications of the algorithms.
When they are cleverly chosen the game is still enjoyable and you save lots of space.
Now it's on you whether to make it an essential/minimalistic game or add stuff like graphics, sound colour, etc.

My favourite game is Mazogs, also because I couldn't ener write a similar masterpiece.
Just to say that a fully scrolling field seems a nice idea to me