New ZX81 Games
New ZX81 Games
Name of Software: Hidden Picture
Author: Johan "Dr Beep" Koelman
Release Date: 01/04/2018
Requirements (eg. 1K, 16K, AY Card, Hi-Res Scheme): 1K Lowres
Description: Draw the hidden picture
Download link (if available for download): Second picture: Commercial / Public Domain / Freeware / Other - please specify? Freeware
Controls: QAOP for up down left and right
1234 for pixels.
A field has 4 pixels.
Set the number of pixels shown above.
1 pixels : press 1 2 3 or 4 untill asterix appears
2 pixels : press 12 13 14 23 24 or 34
3 pixels : press 123 124 134 or 234
4 pixels : press 1234
Empty fields are directly set to asterix.
Set the number of pixels shown above. While chessboard-cursor is shown the wrong pixels are set.
When picture is ready the cursor disappears. All fields must be visited.
Author: Johan "Dr Beep" Koelman
Release Date: 01/04/2018
Requirements (eg. 1K, 16K, AY Card, Hi-Res Scheme): 1K Lowres
Description: Draw the hidden picture
Download link (if available for download): Second picture: Commercial / Public Domain / Freeware / Other - please specify? Freeware
Controls: QAOP for up down left and right
1234 for pixels.
A field has 4 pixels.
Set the number of pixels shown above.
1 pixels : press 1 2 3 or 4 untill asterix appears
2 pixels : press 12 13 14 23 24 or 34
3 pixels : press 123 124 134 or 234
4 pixels : press 1234
Empty fields are directly set to asterix.
Set the number of pixels shown above. While chessboard-cursor is shown the wrong pixels are set.
When picture is ready the cursor disappears. All fields must be visited.
Re: New ZX81 Games
Name of Software: BiggOil
Author: Sir Morris Bigg
Release Date: 13/04/2018
Requirements (eg. 1K, 16K, AY Card, Hi-Res Scheme): 16K
Optional: Sound from Zon-X compatible board (ZXpand+/AY, Mr.X, Zon-x), ZXpand joystick
Commercial / Public Domain / Freeware / Other - please specify? Freeware
Controls: QAOP for up down left and right, space to retract.
Controls may be redefined from title screen.
Link to forum post / download
Author: Sir Morris Bigg
Release Date: 13/04/2018
Requirements (eg. 1K, 16K, AY Card, Hi-Res Scheme): 16K
Optional: Sound from Zon-X compatible board (ZXpand+/AY, Mr.X, Zon-x), ZXpand joystick
Commercial / Public Domain / Freeware / Other - please specify? Freeware
Controls: QAOP for up down left and right, space to retract.
Controls may be redefined from title screen.
Link to forum post / download
New ZX81 Games
Name of Software: Stupid Cupid
Author: Johan "Dr Beep" Koelman
Release Date: 20/05/2018
Requirements (eg. 1K, 16K, AY Card, Hi-Res Scheme): 1K WRX Hires
Description: Shoot the flying hearts before they hit you.
Each second level is a bonus level. Shoot the hearts ASAP and get the remaining time as bonus
Download link (if available for download): Commercial / Public Domain / Freeware / Other - please specify? Freeware
1 = Fire
9 = Left
0 = Right
NL = (Re)start
Also ZXPAND-joystick
Author: Johan "Dr Beep" Koelman
Release Date: 20/05/2018
Requirements (eg. 1K, 16K, AY Card, Hi-Res Scheme): 1K WRX Hires
Description: Shoot the flying hearts before they hit you.
Each second level is a bonus level. Shoot the hearts ASAP and get the remaining time as bonus
Download link (if available for download): Commercial / Public Domain / Freeware / Other - please specify? Freeware
1 = Fire
9 = Left
0 = Right
NL = (Re)start
Also ZXPAND-joystick
- revivalstudios
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- Joined: Wed Feb 08, 2012 9:49 pm
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Re: New ZX81 Games
Name of Software: Mage - The Enchanted Crystals
Author: Revival Studios
Release Date: 23/05/2018
Requirements (eg. 1K, 16K, AY Card, Hi-Res Scheme): 16K
Optional: Sound from Zon-X compatible board (ZXpand+/AY, Mr.X, Zon-x), ZXpand joystick
While working on his latest and powerful spell,Wizzy's father was being watched by others.
As a precaution, he captured the spell inside a crystal and divided it into 4 pieces, which he buried inside the mines, just south of your village.
It is now up to you to collect these pieces and bring them together inside the enchanted chest to ensure the spell doesn't fall into the wrong hands.

In contrast to my previous games for these systems, which were a bit smaller and very arcade like, this is a more complex game with a larger world to explore.
The game is available as Cassette Tape Kit and as a Digital Download.

For more information about the game, please check out:
Expect more new releases for the Sinclair ZX81 later this year.
Please tell all your ZX81 friends to join my newsletter via the the website to don't miss out on the latest developments!
Author: Revival Studios
Release Date: 23/05/2018
Requirements (eg. 1K, 16K, AY Card, Hi-Res Scheme): 16K
Optional: Sound from Zon-X compatible board (ZXpand+/AY, Mr.X, Zon-x), ZXpand joystick
While working on his latest and powerful spell,Wizzy's father was being watched by others.
As a precaution, he captured the spell inside a crystal and divided it into 4 pieces, which he buried inside the mines, just south of your village.
It is now up to you to collect these pieces and bring them together inside the enchanted chest to ensure the spell doesn't fall into the wrong hands.

In contrast to my previous games for these systems, which were a bit smaller and very arcade like, this is a more complex game with a larger world to explore.
The game is available as Cassette Tape Kit and as a Digital Download.

For more information about the game, please check out:
Expect more new releases for the Sinclair ZX81 later this year.
Please tell all your ZX81 friends to join my newsletter via the the website to don't miss out on the latest developments!
Last edited by revivalstudios on Mon Jun 04, 2018 1:33 pm, edited 1 time in total. - Classic videogame development. ZX81 programs at:
Please Follow me on twitter (@revival_studios) for the latest information about my upcoming game projects
Please Follow me on twitter (@revival_studios) for the latest information about my upcoming game projects
New ZX81 Games
Name of Software: Ricochet
Author: Johan "Dr Beep" Koelman
Release Date: 25/05/2018
Requirements (eg. 1K, 16K, AY Card, Hi-Res Scheme): 1K WRX Hires
Description: Hit the target by ricohetting bullits.
The sooner you hit the target the more points.
Each 100 points some speeding up.
Download link (if available for download): Commercial / Public Domain / Freeware / Other - please specify? Freeware
User Definable
NL = (Re)start
Also ZXPAND-joystick
Author: Johan "Dr Beep" Koelman
Release Date: 25/05/2018
Requirements (eg. 1K, 16K, AY Card, Hi-Res Scheme): 1K WRX Hires
Description: Hit the target by ricohetting bullits.
The sooner you hit the target the more points.
Each 100 points some speeding up.
Download link (if available for download): Commercial / Public Domain / Freeware / Other - please specify? Freeware
User Definable
NL = (Re)start
Also ZXPAND-joystick
New ZX81 Games
Name of Software: Minesweeper 1K
Author: Johan "Dr Beep" Koelman
Release Date: 04/06/2018
Requirements (eg. 1K, 16K, AY Card, Hi-Res Scheme): 1K lowres
Play the classic MINESWEEPER now on the ZX81.
Download link (if available for download): NEW VERSION showing number of mines remaining !!!!!
Commercial / Public Domain / Freeware / Other - please specify? Freeware
User Definable
1,2,3 = Level start
Source: Manual:
Author: Johan "Dr Beep" Koelman
Release Date: 04/06/2018
Requirements (eg. 1K, 16K, AY Card, Hi-Res Scheme): 1K lowres
Play the classic MINESWEEPER now on the ZX81.
Download link (if available for download): NEW VERSION showing number of mines remaining !!!!!
Commercial / Public Domain / Freeware / Other - please specify? Freeware
User Definable
1,2,3 = Level start
Source: Manual:
New ZX81 Games
Name of Software: Boxing
Author: Johan "Dr Beep" Koelman
Release Date: 19/08/2018
Requirements (eg. 1K, 16K, AY Card, Hi-Res Scheme): 1K hires
Description: Fight your way to the final BOXING.
Download link (if available for download): Commercial / Public Domain / Freeware / Other - please specify? Freeware
User Definable
Source: Manual:
After years of training you made it to the worldchampionship BOXING.
You have reached the 1/8 finale. Can you win the final?
Play the last 4 rounds to become champion. Each next round the contestants get better.
Boxing is all about fast feet so moving around won't cost you energy.
Punching will cost you 2 energypoints.
Getting hit on the face will cost 10 energy point when full on the face.
On the side of the face it will cost 5 energy points.
After punching you can punch the same hand only after doing another move.
When he contestants energy reaches zero you will score your remaining energy as points and
you will go to the next round. When you won the final a check on hiscore is done.
When you are out of energy the game ends.
Controls can be altered after each game.
Author: Johan "Dr Beep" Koelman
Release Date: 19/08/2018
Requirements (eg. 1K, 16K, AY Card, Hi-Res Scheme): 1K hires
Description: Fight your way to the final BOXING.
Download link (if available for download): Commercial / Public Domain / Freeware / Other - please specify? Freeware
User Definable
Source: Manual:
After years of training you made it to the worldchampionship BOXING.
You have reached the 1/8 finale. Can you win the final?
Play the last 4 rounds to become champion. Each next round the contestants get better.
Boxing is all about fast feet so moving around won't cost you energy.
Punching will cost you 2 energypoints.
Getting hit on the face will cost 10 energy point when full on the face.
On the side of the face it will cost 5 energy points.
After punching you can punch the same hand only after doing another move.
When he contestants energy reaches zero you will score your remaining energy as points and
you will go to the next round. When you won the final a check on hiscore is done.
When you are out of energy the game ends.
Controls can be altered after each game.
New ZX81 Games
Name of Software: Dr Who
Author: Johan "Dr Beep" Koelman
Release Date: 11/09/2018
Requirements (eg. 1K, 16K, AY Card, Hi-Res Scheme): 1K hires
Description: Help the Doctor escape from the Daleks
Download link (if available for download): Commercial / Public Domain / Freeware / Other - please specify? Freeware
User Definable
Source: EDIT1: stack-bug solved dd. 12-09-2018
EDIT2: Level8-bug solved dd.13-09-2018 and levels in pdf added
All levels in PDF: Manual:
The Doctor must get to the Tardis, but needs the key to move further.
Can you solve all 8 levels within time while the Daleks chase you?
How to play?
After loading you need to define your favorite keys to play with
Press a key for L = Left
Press a key for R = Right
Press a key for F = Fire (Jump)
After defining the keys a short game will start automatically to make
a correct display in further games.
When the game freezes you can restart a game with NewLine.
You will get 8 lives, the number of levels in the game.
Author: Johan "Dr Beep" Koelman
Release Date: 11/09/2018
Requirements (eg. 1K, 16K, AY Card, Hi-Res Scheme): 1K hires
Description: Help the Doctor escape from the Daleks
Download link (if available for download): Commercial / Public Domain / Freeware / Other - please specify? Freeware
User Definable
Source: EDIT1: stack-bug solved dd. 12-09-2018
EDIT2: Level8-bug solved dd.13-09-2018 and levels in pdf added
All levels in PDF: Manual:
The Doctor must get to the Tardis, but needs the key to move further.
Can you solve all 8 levels within time while the Daleks chase you?
How to play?
After loading you need to define your favorite keys to play with
Press a key for L = Left
Press a key for R = Right
Press a key for F = Fire (Jump)
After defining the keys a short game will start automatically to make
a correct display in further games.
When the game freezes you can restart a game with NewLine.
You will get 8 lives, the number of levels in the game.
New ZX81 Games
Name of Software: Staying Alive
Author: Johan "Dr Beep" Koelman
Release Date: 04/10/2018
Requirements (eg. 1K, 16K, AY Card, Hi-Res Scheme): 1K hires
2 games in 1K:
Game 1: Dance the same dance John Travolta is doing (same gameplay as SIMON)
Game 2: Do the same move John Travolta is doing within time
Download link (if available for download): Commercial / Public Domain / Freeware / Other - please specify? Freeware
The view is face forward, so left arm is right on screen!!
Right arm : QWERT
Left arm : YUIOP
Right leg: sh.ZXCV
Left leg:
Source: Manual:
After each game press 1 or 2 to select the gameplay
How to play?
See the moves and replay the moves
Author: Johan "Dr Beep" Koelman
Release Date: 04/10/2018
Requirements (eg. 1K, 16K, AY Card, Hi-Res Scheme): 1K hires
2 games in 1K:
Game 1: Dance the same dance John Travolta is doing (same gameplay as SIMON)
Game 2: Do the same move John Travolta is doing within time
Download link (if available for download): Commercial / Public Domain / Freeware / Other - please specify? Freeware
The view is face forward, so left arm is right on screen!!
Right arm : QWERT
Left arm : YUIOP
Right leg: sh.ZXCV
Left leg:
Source: Manual:
After each game press 1 or 2 to select the gameplay
How to play?
See the moves and replay the moves
New ZX81 Games
Name of Software: Moonlander
Author: Johan "Dr Beep" Koelman
Release Date: 20/10/2018
Requirements (eg. 1K, 16K, AY Card, Hi-Res Scheme): 1K hires
The year 2048. On a parallel earth the moon is explored for the first time.
The previous 1023 missions from “Zpace eXploration” failed. Will mission 1024 land on the moon?
Download link (if available for download): Commercial / Public Domain / Freeware / Other - please specify? Freeware
NewLine = Start new game
Q = up
O = left
P = right
Source: Manual:
Gravity will pull the lander down, you need to counteract by firing rocketfuel.
You also need to land on the right place. Fire rockets left or right to move and use them as brake too.
Author: Johan "Dr Beep" Koelman
Release Date: 20/10/2018
Requirements (eg. 1K, 16K, AY Card, Hi-Res Scheme): 1K hires
The year 2048. On a parallel earth the moon is explored for the first time.
The previous 1023 missions from “Zpace eXploration” failed. Will mission 1024 land on the moon?
Download link (if available for download): Commercial / Public Domain / Freeware / Other - please specify? Freeware
NewLine = Start new game
Q = up
O = left
P = right
Source: Manual:
Gravity will pull the lander down, you need to counteract by firing rocketfuel.
You also need to land on the right place. Fire rockets left or right to move and use them as brake too.