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Dumping Microdrive Cartridges reliably.

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2020 2:53 pm
by Erm
No, not actually dumping them in the bin, but dumping the contents of them properly, i.e. sector by sector to make an exact duplicate of the original....

I have a vDrive ZX which is probably the most convenient way of copying data from original mdvs to an SD card (and then to a modern computer) but currently I'm having issues with a commercial cartridge (quite a rare one I believe) that has at least one hidden file on it. I understand that hidden files are files saved with a 0 prefix.

Does anyone know of or have any experience with a utility or a method that can enable you to view hidden files... or better still, something that will make an exact copy of a real cartridge onto a virtual vDrive?

I'd love to hear your thoughts.