remembering Spider man

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remembering Spider man

Post by Crayon21 »

those of us that grew up in the early 2000's, remember the real spider-man (not that the MCU version isn't great, which it is) before the outright travesties that were The amazing Spider man 1 and 2.

so this is my little tribute as it is. no fancy graphics, no gameplay, just a little quote from the movie series that holds a dear place in my heart :cry:

Can't believe it's been 20 years already. look at me getting all misty eyes lol. anyway, here you go
(48 Bytes) Downloaded 289 times
In Heck, there are two options for perpetual torment:

Eat the Puckerberry and suffer for eternity:
drink nothing but a cocktail of The Last Dab and Mexican Cake blended and served with
habanero slices
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