Spinners and other things

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Spinners and other things

Post by GCHarder »

A collection of "Spinners" and other toys to play with.

Hardware required...

ZX81+ZXPand+UDG4ZXPand in CHR$128 mode.
ZX81+ZXPand+Chroma in CHR$128 mode.
ZX81+ZXPand+UDGBoard in CHR$128 mode.

Tested on real hardware and emulators EightyOne and sz81.

Benham's Disk Demo (Early Version)...


OpArt Demo (Early Version)...


Spinners Demo...


Clipart, OpArt and Videos Demo...


Note on ZXPand and emulators.

Setting RAM Pack to 32K in EightyOne or RAM Size to 32K in sz81 in doesn't
restrict RAM to 32K. This can cause unintended consequences.

Even tho these values are set to 32K all RAM is still available,
POKEing 50000,10 then PEEKing 50000 will return 10.

IF ZXPand config "M=L" then max RAM should be 24K not 32K as 8K of RAM is used
starting at 8192. So if CONFIG "M=L" then POKEing 30000,10 should not return 10.

Just something to be aware of when programming in emulators for the ZXPand.

Things may seem to work fine in emulation but fall apart on the real thing.
Happy Spinning;

Program and support files
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Last edited by GCHarder on Sun Jun 02, 2024 9:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Spinners and other things

Post by Moggy »

Real Zeddy, ZXpand+ and UDG4ZXpand this is what I get unless there is something special you have to do to make it work not listed in the readme.
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Re: Spinners and other things

Post by GCHarder »

Replace Line 9992 with "M=L" in ,"Spinners.p". I'll replace the zip later if there are no other problem. RUN 9990 to SAVE the changes.

This worked for me on the real hardware.

Apparently the emulators ignore this configuration setting or they would have shown the same results.


I see real hardware doesn't handle 8 frame videos, I'll have to investigate this more.
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Re: Spinners and other things

Post by Moggy »

Yep tried that and got error code 4/9150 and when I managed to get it do something all I kept getting is file not found when ever I tried to load something. I realise this stuff is for the clever, tecchy people who know what they are doing but sadly I'm one of lifes end user thickos and unless there is adequate explanation of where to put stuff and how to run it then it may as well be written in Serbo Croat for all the sense I can make of it so I'll give it a miss.
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Re: Spinners and other things

Post by GCHarder »

I've updated the zip file, give that a try, best to deleted everything first.

I had this working on the real thing so it should be OK if everything is in the right place.


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Re: Spinners and other things

Post by Moggy »

That's better, just the job!

Thanks for taking time and trouble Greg, much appreciated. :D
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