ZX-Team meeting 17th to 19th April 2015

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ZX-Team meeting 17th to 19th April 2015

Post by Paul »

Dear all.
I was asked by Peter Liebert-Adelt
To announce our anual meeting in Mahlerts.
As nothing really changed (except for the date) ;)
Please have a look into last years announcement.
You are welcome to visit us there.
The price will be the same as last year. Approximately 60€ Per person for the two nights (in total, not each) including foods and drinks and bed.
If you would like to participate please let us know here:
http://forum.tlienhard.com/phpBB3/viewt ... f=2&t=1481
Or via mail or PN to me.
If you would like to present a project please let me know. I will arrange translation to german for you.
Kind regards
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