Tempest CHR$128 version

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Tempest CHR$128 version

Post by GCHarder »

This is a fast "Shoot'em Up" by S.P. Kelly originally published by Micro-Gen,

Despite the name this is NOT a ZX81 version of the arcade classic.

There's already a Chroma color version of this, posted elsewhere, so I thought
I'd also do a CHR$128 conversion as well.

This is actually a pretty intense shoot'em up game. I'm not quite sure how the
scoring works though as far as, "sectors captured" and "entering sector" goes.
A sector seems to be based on your survival time.

The "Liner Lazers" are the most dangerous objects. Don't get trapped by them,
leave a trail if missles so that they run into them and then get out of the way
as they approach, from above or below.

I've included the original cassette which has further info.


Tempest.p - The original
TempLodr - CHR$128 font loader, run this first, it will automatically LOAD Temp-UDG
Temp-UDG - Tempest CHR$128 version.
Tempest.tzx - TempLodr+Temp-UDG in TZX format.

The Chroma version can be found here...

https://www.sinclairzxworld.com/viewtop ... est#p32116
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