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Vector graphics for the ZX81

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 5:19 pm
by bbock
SVG (= Scalable Vector Graphics) is the standard format for vector graphics on the Internet. Unfortunately, this format is too complex to be displayed directly on 8-bit computers like the ZX81. My Java program TinySVG extracts "line drawings" from SVG files and converts them into simplified vector formats for retro computers. For the ZX81, it can create .p files that contain the vector data in a REM line. It uses the high-resolution graphic HRG-ms by Matthias Swatosch:

The current version of TinySVG can be found here:

A small manual:
  • Start TinySVG.jar with a double click (Java Runtime version 8 or higher required).
  • Under Options > Configuration the following items should be activated: Center, Resize, Bézier curve approximation, Arc approximation, Activate line reducer. To set the Output files and Screen resolution sections, simply choose "ZX81" under Presets.
  • File > Open > Select SVG file
  • The .p file can be found in the same directory as the SVG file, but with the extension .p (e.g. laempel.svg -> laempel.p).
Some SVG files to try out
(637.43 KiB) Downloaded 202 times

The vector graphics can be drawn on a real (HRG capable) ZX81 or in the emulator.

Settings in EightyOne:
  1. Options > Hardware or F6
  2. Register "Sinclair"
  3. Select ZX81
  4. RAM Pack: set to 48k
  5. Tab "Interfaces": Set High Resolution to "WRX"
  6. Tab "Advanced Settings": Activate "Enable M1Not Circuit"
Load the graphic in EightyOne:
  1. Tape Manager via Tools > Activate Tape Manager
  2. Deactivate the "Auto LOAD on insert" button in the Tape Manager (top right); "Flash Load" and "Auto Start/Stop" remain on.
  3. File > Open Tape > Select hrg-64k.p
  4. LOAD "" -> the HRG-ms start screen appears
  5. Press spacebar -> HRG shows to which memory area it was loaded, e.g. "OK. HRG LOADED TO 30144"
  6. In the Tape Manager, click on the Open button and select the .p file.
  7. In the EightyOne main window enter LOAD "".
  8. Enter RUN

Re: Vector graphics for the ZX81

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 5:28 pm
by bbock
The following SVG files can be used in TinySVG, too, showing some nice "impossible figures":
Impossible figures
(6.43 KiB) Downloaded 221 times

Re: Vector graphics for the ZX81

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 5:30 pm
by bbock
A few teaser pictures:

Sinclair-ZX81.png (4.11 KiB) Viewed 2349 times
laempel.png (10.85 KiB) Viewed 2349 times
leopard-lilly.png (3.18 KiB) Viewed 2349 times